
Solo Exhibitions

June 1966 : Paintings and sculptures, the Tourist office of Ladispoli, Rome.

Article of “il Tempo” n°165, June 1966 (in Italian)


April 1967 : Paintings, Galerie Palette, Wuppertal.

Articles: West Deutsche Rundschau, March 1967 &  NRS Wuppertal April 1967 (in German)

Opening speech for the exhibition «Maria Krull» by Prof. Buchrucker


Exhibitions in the personal gallery at Ladispoli

July 1966 : Exhibition of the German art group «rbk», (Wuppertaler Ring Bildender Künstler) (originally called: “Ring Bergischer Künstler”), Casal Dell’ Arte, Ladispoli, Rome.


2 articles: exhibition of the German art group «rbk» (German, Italian)


September 1967 : Sculpture exhibition, «Riviera Di Roma»,  Casal Dell’Arte, Ladispoli, Rome (in collaboration with the academy : “L’Accademia Romana Arti Figurative”, Rome). With the theme of “Women artists and Sculpture

Complete brochure (Italian)


July 1968 :  Sculpture exhibition «Riviera di Roma», Casal Dell’Arte, Ladispoli, Rome (in collaboration with the academy: “L’Accademia Romana Arti Figurative”, Rome). With the theme of “Women artists and Sculpture

Complete brochure (Italian)


September 1969 : International art competition,  Casal Dell’Arte, Ladispoli, “Trofeo Internazionale d’Arte”, Rome (under the aegis of the tourist office of Ladispoli and the European Centre of Culture, Brussels.

Complete brochure (Italian)


Articles: exhibition “Trofeo d’Arte” Ladispoli, Sepetmber 1969


Participation in the following exhibitions

September 1963 : «Premio Tarquinia-Vincenzo Cardarelli», Tarquinia, Rome, Award and gold medal as a painter

August 1966 : «Premio Pyrgi 1966» , Castello di S. Severa,  Rome. Gold medal and diploma of merit awarded by the artists’ association in Rome.


September 1966 : «Trofeo Grondaia», Galleria Grondaia, Rome. Silver cup and diploma of merit for one sculpture

November 1966 : Painting exhibition «Mostra Lazio 1966», Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Rome

January 1967 : «Premio Internazionale Elena Bianchi», Rome. Diploma of merit.

January 1967 : «Premio Campidoglio d’oro», Galleria Grondaia, Rome. Diploma of merit.

April 1967 : «Oscar della Pittura 1967», Galleria «La Grondaia», Rome. Diploma of merit as a painter.

May 1967 : «Tiburtino», Rome. Diploma of merit as a sculptress.

May 1967 : «Pittori d’oggi», YMCA Rome. Diploma of merit as a sculptress.

 July 1967 : «Giovanni Calanni», Rome. Was awarded a cup as a sculptress.

August 1967 : «Tre Delfini» Elena Bianchi, Rome. Diploma of merit.

July 1969 : «Pasquino d’Oro», Centro Romanesco, Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Rome. Diploma of merit and bronze medal as a sculptress.

October 1969 : «Associazione Mutualistica Ceto Media», Palazzo delle Esposizioni. Was awarded a vermeil medal by the tourist board in Rome.